WhatsApp Gets Two-Step Verification, Here’s how to Enable it

It was in last year November that WhatsApp enabled two-factor authentication in their beta channels. Today the company announced that they will be making the two-step verification available for all the users. The two-step verification will add a layer of additional security along with the end-to-end encryption from the Open Whisper Systems. That said WhatsApp isn’t the first one to offer two-step verification and in fact, the feature was long overdue.
The two-step verification has been rolled out for iOS, Android and Windows users. The feature is not mandatory and can be toggled on/off from the settings menu. We have been hearing sordid tales of how WhatsApp accounts are being compromised by malware and in some instances are also being hacked. With the two-step verification in place, rest assured that it will be extremely tough, if not impossible for the account to be compromised.

How to enable two-step Verification on WhatsApp?

I tried out the two-step verification and it works as intended, the best part is that it is easy to setup and also recover incase you forget the PIN. In order to set this up head over to Settings>Account>Two-Step verfication>Enable. In the forthcoming steps, WhatsApp will ask you for a 6-digit password and make sure that this is cryptic enough. Perhaps jot down the number and keep it for safeguarding since you won’t be needing it every now and then.

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